Medieval Monday with Kelley Heckart

Another week has rolled on by so that must mean it’s time for Medieval Monday. Please help me welcome our newest member to our blog hop, Kelley Heckart. She’s a new author to me so I’m always happy when I can share the love of a good book from a new author. Please enjoy her snippet from White Rose of Avalon. Happy reading, my lovelies!


Morgaine sat on the soft grass. She stared at the silver spring, listening to songbirds singing happy melodies from the shelter of the apple trees. Thunder rumbled from beyond the mists that shrouded the Isle of Avalon. Thoughts of what lay ahead troubled her. The monk Roderick spoke true when he had said that she needed their help as well. It was true that her powers were weak on the earthly realm, which was why she counted on the druid Merlin to help her. She needed the monks to stay out of her way and not influence the High King with their Christian God.


White Rose of Avalon
By Kelley Heckart

Do you like captivating, passionate historical fantasy featuring King Arthur, Gwenhwyfar, Merlin, Nimue, Morgaine, and Lancelot? Inspired by The Mists of Avalon, this sensual retelling of the Arthurian romances brings these legendary characters to life.

Destiny cannot be altered.

With Britannia falling to the Saxon hordes, Morgaine, Queen of the Faeries, has no choice but to make a pact with the Christian monks. She promises to give them a High King who will unite the Britons against the Saxons if he takes a queen from the faery realm. Morgaine hopes this will restore the Goddess faith and return Avalon to its rightful place. She sends Lancelot to guard the future High King, but when a love potion falls into the wrong hands, all seems lost.

Gwenhwyfar is the only hope for the future, but betrayal, revenge, and forbidden love surround her, all of which could send both Britannia and Avalon into ruins.

Buy links:

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Also available in KU

Check out my next snippet on Judith’s blog July 6

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